Our Home-Based Food Business Services

If you’re thinking of starting a food business from home, Food Agent Australia is here to help!

One of the most challenging parts of getting your business off the ground when selling food from home in Australia, is securing the right licence. This is because each local council has different requirements and regulations to abide by.

Our job is to help you navigate these compliance requirements so you can get baking, mixing and packaging without delay or approval headaches.

Contact us today to find out more about how to start a food business from home in Australia. We’ll help you take care of everything.

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Starting a Food Business from Home?

If you’re starting a home-based food business you will need a food business licence to operate. This awards you the required certification for selling food from home in Australia, so your customers will know they can trust you and the products you offer.

Here’s the process when you enlist the help of Food Agent Australia:

  • 1. Project and Licence Scoping

  • 2. Compliance Audit, Compilation of Documents, Project Works or Courses

  • 3. Application Submitted

  • 4. Inspection(s)

  • 5. Approvals to Commence Trading

Remember, we communicate with the relevant authorities on your behalf to help make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible – and expedite your approvals.

We will assist with everything from answering your questions on how to start a food business from home, Australian licensing and protocols, compliance, food safety and much, much more.

We explain the process of getting a food business licence on this page.

Common Types of Home-Based Food Businesses

When you decide to start a food business from home, there are many different avenues you can follow. These include:
  • Cake making
  • Selling baked goods
  • Sweets
  • Platters or platter boxes
  • Jams, relishes, syrups
  • Combining, mixing and packaging spices

Considerations for How to Start a Food Business from Home in Australia

Every home-based food business is assessed on a case-by-case basis and depends on the type of operation.

Food Agent Australia can determine the specifics for your business and negotiate with Council to be able to secure approval to run a home-based food business.


Food Agent Australia is 100% independent. Our experienced and knowledgeable team will take the hassle out of securing your food business licence and advise if any other permits may be required to ensure you are compliant.

To get started with your food business from home, contact us.

Got More Questions About How To Start a Food Business from Home in Australia? We’re Here to Help.

At Food Agent Australia, we know starting a food business from home can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! We’ve compiled some of our client’s frequently asked questions with the aim of providing you with all the information you’ll need to be successful in your home-based food business.

But, if your question isn’t answered below, remember we’re always on hand to help you out. Just contact the team to discuss your specific needs.

I’m Just Starting a Home-Based Food Business. What Do I Need to Know About Selling Food from Home in Australia?

That’s a great question. The first thing you need to know is that even a home-based food business requires you to hold a licence and adhere to strict regulatory requirements.

That’s where we at Food Agent Australia can assist you. By liaising directly with your local council authorities and acting on your behalf, we’re able to help with all your licensing requirements, food safety procedures and audits.

What’s the Process for Getting a Food Licence for My Home-Based Food Business?

Find out more about the process for getting a licence when selling food from home in Australia here.  Alternatively, get in touch with us and one of our friendly team members will talk you through it.

There’s So Much Paperwork! Can You Help Me?

Of course. Let us get started on completing the appropriate paperwork for your business by contacting us. We’ll take care of everything so you don’t have to worry about it.

Can I Take Over Someone Else’s Home Based Food Business?

When selling food from home in Australia, every business is different and is assessed on a case-by-case basis by the relevant authorities. If you have a home-based food business proposal, but aren’t sure how to get started, contact us today.

How Can I Work with Food Agent Australia?

To find out more about how to start a food business from home in Australia, and whether your home-based food business is compliant, contact us today.